Experience the Power of Faith at St Andrew's Medstead
Rev'd Canon Howard Wright
At present, Medstead has a vacancy for a priest. The diocese however is in the process of pastoral reorganisation and as a result there is a possibility that St Andrew’s Medstead and the Church of the Good Shepherd (COGS) , Four Marks will merge.
Meanwhile, the Revd Canon Howard Wright and the COGS team are supporting Medstead during the vacancy.
Howard is married to Helen, and they have four grown-up children and four grandchildren (as of 2023). Howard has served in various church jobs and been vicar of The Church of the Good Shepherd (COGS) Four Marks for over 20 years. He loves the outdoors, enjoys all sports, supports Arsenal, and plays football regularly. He also carves with a chainsaw as a hobby! But most importantly, Howard is passionate about the life, truth, and way of Jesus.
Contact: 01420 560622. The office is open
Monday-Friday from 9am - Midday
Retired Clergy
Rev'd Ingrid Owen -Jones
Originally from Germany, Ingrid moved to Medstead in 2019 to be nearer her 2 children. She began her working life as a banker and before training for the priesthood, she had several years as a language teacher.
All of her service after ordination, which included running rural and urban parishes, had been with Derby Diocese until she and Peter retired down here in East Hampshire. In Derbyshire, she led a team of Pastoral Visitors and became a Foundation Governor at the Local Primary School.
She has Permission to Officiate in Winchester Diocese and sees it as a privilege to continuing serving here in Alton Deanery.
Contact: 01420 446467 or ingrid@ipoj.co.uk
Church Warden
Debby Barnes
Having lived in the village and worshipped at St Andrew’s for 38 years, Debby was elected church warden (for the 2nd time!) in 2021.
The role of the churchwardens is extremely varied but generally involves management, maintenance and mission in accordance with the laws of the Church of England. Debby, assisted by Ian Jurd, is foremost in representing the church lay community and has a duty to make the church a welcoming and safe place of worship.
Churchwardens are generally responsible for the day-to-day functioning of the parish and here at St. Andrew’s, having been without a Rector since 2021, the Churchwardens have a crucial role to play. With the help of the PCC and many volunteers St Andrew’s is functioning really well, with services every week and providing all that is needed for the parish of Medstead
Contact: debby.barnes@gmail.com
Retired Clergy
Rev'd Peter Owen -Jones
Brought up in West Hampshire, Peter moved to Medstead in 2019 after many years in Derbyshire. He was ordained over 30 years ago, exercising his Ministry mainly in Derby Diocese where he served in various senior capacities including Area Dean. This overlapped with a long career in the Rail Industry as a Chartered Engineer and Senior Executive.
He holds Permission to Officiate in Winchester Diocese and considers it a privilege to be serving here in East Hampshire.
Outside of the villages of Bentworth, Lasham, Medstead and Shalden, Peter is a Visitors' Chaplain at Winchester Cathedral and supports the Diocesan Clerical Registry.
He has been married to Ingrid for over 50 years. They share two Daughters and six Grandchildren.
Contact: 01420 446467 or peter@ipoj.co.uk
Church Music
Wendy and Patrick Busby
St Andrew’s has an excellent organ and a 4 part robed choir who regularly lead the worship at most communion services and major festivals throughout the year.
We always welcome new members. There is no audition but a basic ability to read music is recommended.
We rehearse on the 1st, and 3rd Sundays from 10.30 until 10.50am. Please contact Wendy or Patrick if you are interested in joining us.
Organist: Patrick Busby - Email patrick.busby@gartner.com
Church Choir, Choral director: Wendy Busby - Email: wendy.busby@hotmail.co.uk
PCC members who are presently serving are:
Incumbent: Vacant
Wardens: Mrs Debby Barnes, Mr Ian Jurd (Assistant, Co-opted from Jan 2022)
Representative on Deanery Synod: Mrs Jackie Jurd
Elected Members: Mrs Sharon Blackshaw, Mrs Kerry Prior, Mrs Anne Lofthouse (Co-opted from Jan 2022, Elected April 2022), Mrs Wendy Busby (from April 2022), Mrs Patricia Maynard (from April 2022), HH Jeremy Griggs (from April 2022), Mrs Tracey George-Jones (co-opted 2023)
School Governors and Safeguarding
St Andrew’s has close links with Medstead C of E Primary, our village school. We have two Foundation Governors, Debby Barnes and Tracey George-Jones, both of whom sit on the school’s governing board. Foundation governors represent the C of E and act as a link between the school and the wider worshipping community, supporting the school in upholding it’s Christian vision. The Christian values of Trust, Courage, Hope and Resilience form the backbone of the school’s vision. These values are celebrated by the children during the daily act of collective worship, and the children are encouraged to live out these values in their daily lives.
The school welcomes Reverend Howard to lead a fortnightly act of collective worship, and in addition, services take place in church to mark special events and celebrations throughout the year.
Safeguarding: Tracey and Debby have both done a qualification with/for the school which is also relevant for the Church.